
Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 10am, Racing starts at 11am. End time may vary +/- based on car count

Test & Tune

Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 10am, Racing starts at 11am. End time may vary +/- based on car count. Temps must be above 45 with no snow […]

Test & Tune

Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 10am, Racing starts at 11am. End time may vary +/- based on car count. Temps must be above 45 with no snow […]

Chassis Cert and Extended Tech Inspection

No Racing, Chassis Cert/ETI Only. Sign up at

Test & Tune plus Chassis Cert and ETI

Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 10am, Racing starts at 11am. End time may vary +/- based on car count. Temps must be above 45 with no snow […]

Test & Tune

Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 10am, Racing starts at 11am. End time may vary +/- based on car count. Temps must be above 45 with no snow […]

Test & Tune

Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 10am, Racing starts at 11am. End time may vary +/- based on car count. Temps must be above 45 with no snow […]

Test & Tune

Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 10am, Racing starts at 11am. End time may vary +/- based on car count. Temps must be above 45 with no snow […]

Cars & Coffee

A FREE admission event! Vendors apply to

Test & Tune

Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 10am, Racing starts at 11am. End time may vary +/- based on car count. Temps must be above 45 with no snow […]

Spring Swap Meet

Vendors may Pre-Register at

Test & Tune

Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 10am, Racing starts at 11am. End time may vary +/- based on car count

Friday Night Test & Tune + Gamblers

Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 6pm, Racing starts at 7pm. Tech Closes at 9pm, Staging Lanes Close 10pm

Summit ET Raceday #1

Gates Open 9am. 1 Time Trial for Summit Classes at 12 pm, Eliminations at completion of Time Trials. Jr Dragster and Jr Street will receive 2 Time Trials

Test & Tune

Open Time Trials for all vehicles. Gates open 10am, Racing starts at 11am. End time may vary +/- based on car count