Below you will find all information necessary to start off with Jr Drag Racing (5-17 years old) or Jr Street Racing (14-17 years old). Licensing runs can be done on any Test & Tune day, during private track rentals, or on Summit race days where Jr’s are racing. We do attempt to get all passes necessary in 1 day, however due to a lengthy process, 2 or more days may be necessary to complete all 6 runs. Please plan for this.
Step 1 – Download
- Application MUST be printed out in color. (Jr Dragster on Left, Jr Street on Right)
Step 2 – Birth Certificate & Minor Release Waiver
- Please bring an official copy of the child’s birth certificate to the track on the day of licensing.
- (Jr Dragster Only) Parents will need to bring signed & notarized minor release waiver included in the application packet prior to any on track runs
Step 3 – License Passes
- Now the fun begins!
- Once drivers and vehicles pass tech inspection, JDRL Participants will make one trip down the track with an official on a golf cart, Jr Street Participants will make one pass in the vehicle with an official.
- JDRL Participants younger than 10 years old will need to make 5 additional incremental passes.
- JDRL Participants older than 10 years old may need to make all 5 passes, but can possibly have 2 waived if driver demonstrates they are ready for the final 3.
- Jr Street Participants will then make 5 passes with the assigned supervising adult.
Step 4 – Jr Drag Racing League Physical
- JDRL participants must have physical completed
- Jr Street- skip this step
Step 5 – Jr Street & Jr Drag Racing League Finish Application
- Complete the rest of the Application (including notary where designated) and send in to NHRA!