An absolutely gorgeous day for racing brought out a huge number of entrants all with the ultimate goal of capturing an eliminator title and perhaps improving on their points standings. With moderate temperatures, light humidity and a little breeze, this had to be the best weather day thus far this season.
Robbie Boyd wasted no time in jumping on the wagon and put a move on the competition in Super Pro with a victory over Dave Hebig. The dragster pilot out of Quakertown shut down first half star Andrew Bracuto in the quarters as John Bartunek was laying waste to Dave Harvey. Randy Wendtland advanced his Camaro over Wilbur Hooper’s Nova and Hebig ran unopposed. Hebig and his digger squeezed out a semifinal win over Wendtland in a close match while Boyd sent Bartunek packing back to Pearl River. For the last dash Boyd was vulnerable when his .053 light was 4 hundredths behind Hebig’s launch and it looked like the Orefield racer was in control of the situation. But the clocks told a different story when Hebig went under his dial by 5 thousandths and lost with a time of 7.53 at 132.75. Boyd grabbed the money and the points with his slip of 6.55 at 155.96.
Brian Mullaney toasted a 50 car first round Pro eliminator, ultimately besting a reconstituted Paul Northrop. Mike Franek was defending his win one week ago and advanced out of the quarters when he whipped Greg Leifkin. Mullaney was better than Kevin Render in the round while Craig Sonderfan won over a fouling Paul Stanko and Northrop took out the tough David Harvey. Sonderfan went red in his semi matchup with Northrop and Mullaney defeated Franek when both racers ran under their dials by the exact same amount and the computer picked Mullaney to advance as he got to the stripe first. Run outs were the order of the day in the title race when near identical RTs appeared and neither racer dared to lift at the top end. Mullaney got the win light with his time of 11.12, speed of 120.83 and Northrop was a bit further under at 12.47 and 109.13.
Sportsman bracket also featured a final with a buy back racer in the form of Anthony Picone and his 47 Merc that came up one win light short against Dave Harvey III. Steve Baker, back with his familiar Camaro at last, sent Freddy Hambone to the trailer in round 4 while Picone took out Bob Gay’s Vette; Bill Voelzke’s Dodge was better than Frank Maffiore and Dave Harvey got by Ed Franks to set up the semis. The TRU Start system came into play when both Harvey and Voelzke foul started and Harvey was closer to the green and was awarded the win. Picone then used a quicker reaction and a run right on the dial that tied the hands of Baker to get the former gasser into the final. Harvey took the advantage on the hit and though he ran below his number at 11.48, 101.41 he got the light. Picone pushed a bit too hard at the big end and was under the dial by more with an 11.59 and 113.36.
Bike bracket had a new top eliminator as Charlie Koenig rode his sled to victory over Chris Miele. The two riders at the top of the points list both went out in round one as Don Hookway and Barry Stephens both lost, Stephens to Jacob Teats for the second straight week. Miele appeared headed for a repeat win from a week earlier when he soloed the semis and Koenig won against Joe DiPiazza on a foul start. Miele made a similar mistake in the last race as his foul light ended in defeat for his 9.25, 144 time slip and Koenig picked up the payout on a 9.88 at 129.
Pat Campomizzi and Bobby Pip squared off in Trophy class with Campomizzi’s 56 Chevy emerging with the cup. His 10.21, 129.58 run was easily the better of the pair as Pip’s Mustang saw red at the hit and dumped an 11.82, 111.85.
Junior Dragster honors fell to Owen Roth as he took out Alexis Sanseverino. Alexis, appearing in her second final in as many weeks, was just a little short of the goal when her 8.65, 75.98 effort was second best compared to Roth’s 7.92 and 80.897. In Junior Street John Hedenburg shook up the points again when he was better than Theo Myers. Posting a 10.09 at 64.44 proved sufficient for Hedenburg to take the light in his Mustang while Myers drove his Honda van to second place at 10.99 and 66.26.
John Tesori took Consolation One over John Graziano. Driving the fleet afoot 02 Camaro, Tesori racked up a 6.81 lap at 154.23 mph and Graziano’s Impala flashed a red light to burn a 7.84,1290.44 runner-up effort.
Mitch Speert garnered the Consolation Two title when he took the measure of Anthony Capirose. Speert’s Mustang used a 14.12 and 100.18 run to defeat the Trans Am of Capirose, who posted times of 12.44 and 101.72.