originally written by Tony D. June 25, 1998. Updated by Melissa May 2024
Basics of Drag Racing
What is a drag race?
In very simple terms, a drag race is an acceleration contest from a standing start between two vehicles over a measured distance. The accepted standard for that distance is either a quarter-mile or an eighth-mile. These contests are started by an electronic device commonly called a "tree". Upon leaving the starting line, each contestant's vehicle activates a timer, which is, in turn, stopped when that same vehicle reaches the finish line. The start-to-finish clocking is the vehicle's E.T. (elapsed time).
Who can compete?
Virtually anyone can compete in drag racing. To drive a full-sized vehicle, drivers are required to possess at least a valid State driver's license. Certain performance levels/classes require a driver to possess an NHRA Competition License. In addition, New Jersey limits the minimum age of a contestant of a full size vehicle to 17 years. (2024 Update: Drivers ages 13-16 may now compete in the Jr Street Program.)
Current Youth Programs include The Junior Drag Racing League Jr Dragster and Jr Street Classes The JUNIOR DRAG RACING LEAGUE is open to children 5-17 years old. The competition was previously limited to the operation of a junior dragster only, but the institution of Jr Street recently opened up to full-size street vehicles with a parent or guardian co-driver in the passenger seat. Junior drag racers compete in either class over an 1/8 mile course. Junior Dragster and Jr Street competitors are required to possess a valid Junior Drag Racing League competition license. Any driver 17 years of age or under must have a valid minor release waiver signed by their parent or guardian on file at the track.

All vehicles must meet basic safety criteria (ie: good brakes, seatbelts, safety helmet). This applies to most streetable type vehicles. Faster, all-out race cars must meet more stringent requirements as outlined in the NHRA Rulebook.
What is Bracket Racing?
Bracket racing is a form of drag racing whereby vehicles of different performance levels can compete on a potentially even basis. The anticipated elapsed times are compared for each vehicle, with the slower car receiving a headstart equal to the difference between the two. This system allows virtually any two vehicles to be paired in a competitive drag race. For example, car "A" has recorded times of 17.78, 17.74, and 17.76, and the driver feels that a "dial-in" of 17.75 is appropriate. Meanwhile, his opponent, driver "B", has recorded times of 15.27, 15.22, and 15.26 on the same track, and has opted for a dial-in of 15.25. Accordingly, car "A" will get a 2.5-second (17.75-15.25=2.5) head start over car "B" when the Tree counts down to each car's starting green light. Should a driver go quicker than their predetermined dial in, it is a "break-out", and grounds disqualification. When both vehicles break out, the win goes to the driver who broke out the least. Another form of disqualification is a foul start, or "red light." This occurs when the driver reacts to the tree too quickly and drives away from the starting line before the green light activates.
I have never raced before, but I want to try. What do I do?
You will first meet our gate personnel when you come to the track. You will let them know whether you want to race "test & tune" or any class you fit in for the day. You will be handed a tech card to fill out before you get to tech inspection and be on your way! Minors under 18 must have a minor release form signed by a parent/guardian. After leaving the ticket booth, you should immediately complete as much of the tech card as you can in ink and legibly before heading to "tech inspection" with all of your safety gear and driver's license in hand. Tech inspection is located at the front of Staging Lanes 13-15. When you come in our front gate, you'll drive straight, then make a right over a bridge and another right to head into the lanes. This is where our inspectors check over your vehicle and ensure you have the minimum safety requirements. Having the card filled out neatly and your driver's license out before you get to tech helps move things along much more quickly. You will receive a car number that you can match up with your vehicle on your time slips when you do make a pass.
After being teched and numbered, you are ready to go. When they call your class to the lanes, proceed to those lanes for time trials/ eliminations. If you are here for Test & Tune, you will listen or watch for staging lanes labeled for the type of tire you're racing on. If you are unsure if your class was called or don't know which lanes you were to report to, feel free to drive up to the back of the staging lanes and ask questions.
PLEASE NOTE, STATE LAW REQUIRES 5 MPH IN ANY PART OF THE FACILITY OTHER THAN THE RACE TRACK ITSELF. We strictly enforce this since many people, including kids, usually walk about in the pit area.

OK, now you are teched, numbered, and in a lane. What next?
Please stay with your car in the staging lanes. As your lane starts moving, please move your vehicle up accordingly. Follow all instructions from the track personnel as you approach the "burnout box." This is the area where, if you are running slicks, you will do a "burnout" to warm up your tires. If you are running street tires, driving around the water is a good idea, as street treads generally will drag water up to the starting line and give you a poor start. The person in the burnout box will signal you when to start your burnout. Do not approach the starting line or start a burnout until start line personnel instruct, and never start a burnout while there is a car staged in front of you.
After the "burnout" area, you will approach the starting line. In the center of the track, close to the starting line is a "Christmas tree". That's the pole with all the lights on it. Slowly approach the starting line until the "pre-stage" (the lights on top of the tree) and the "stage" (that's the second set of lights on top of the tree) are lit. At that point, you are set and ready to race.
If anything is wrong or you are not ready, DO NOT LIGHT THE STAGE LIGHTS. When both cars are staged, the starter will activate the tree. If your car moves before the green light lights, you will get a "foul" or red light on your side of the tree. During eliminations, the first car to foul will get the red light. (2024 Update: There is a new option called TrueStart in which the WORST red-light loses, not necessarily the first. This option is enabled in all Summit ET Bracket classes, but DISABLED in most other brackets).
One important note: If all the red lights are flashing on and off, that signifies there is a problem on the track. If you are staged, immediately back out of the stage lights a few feet carefully, and shut off your vehicle. If you are not staged yet, stop and turn off your vehicle where you are.
Getting back to the race: Once the tree counts down, you leave the starting line, and you're racing. Once you get to the finish line, immediately start slowing down safely. There are a couple of turnoffs, all to the left on the track. Take the one you can make safely. If you are in the right lane, do not cross over until you know exactly where the vehicle in the left lane is and how fast they are moving. If you are unsure, use the entire shutdown area and exit to the left at the end of the track. You will then come up the return road, and stop at the "timeslip" booth, where you will get a printout of your run.
(Update 2024: Please remember! If at any point in your run something SOUNDS, SMELLS, or FEELS weird, different OR broken PLEASE STOP on the track as soon as you are safely able to. A Puddle of oil or fluid is MUCH quicker to clean up than a half mile long stripe.)
That's it, in a nutshell!