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Updated: Feb 23

Did you know that YOU can race your car?! Here are some basic Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to email or call us at (908) 637-6060

What if I just want to run my car down the track?

Racing your car down the track for fun is referred to as “test & tune” or “time trials” – they are the same thing.  Be sure to check our online schedule beforehand to ensure that we are offering these on the days you are attending, as some specialty events are reserved for only a specific make or model of car, but the majority of our days do offer test and tune. You will need to bring a valid drivers license, minimum of long pants, close toed shoes and a t-shirt, and a Snell 2015 or newer helmet.

Do I need mufflers?

No, we no longer require mufflers, even on Friday Nights.

How long is the track?

Our racetrack is a straight quarter-mile (1,320ft.) After crossing the finish line (located near the scoreboards, racers should begin to slow down and prepare to take one of the two turnoffs, all located on the left hand side.  Remember that the driver in the left lane has the right of way when exiting the racing surface.

What if I can’t hear the P.A. system for lane calls?

Our P.A. system is simulcast on 97.7 FM.  Be sure to tune to it on your car’s stereo so that no important lane calls or announcements are missed.

How do I race?

Inform the person at our front gate that you would like to purchase a time trial tech card when you come in.  After purchase, you will be directed to our tech line. Please bring a pen and use your time in line to completely fill out your tech card.  When it is your turn with the tech inspector, he will look over your car and credentials to ensure that it meets safety standards.  For those of you without major upgrades or changes from stock, this should be a very quick process.  Please be sure to have a valid state driver’s license in your possession. Once through tech inspection, you will proceed to the staging lanes, which will have signs designated for Street Tire Test/Tune, Slick Test/Tune or any classes that may be running that day.  Please only use these lanes throughout the raceday.  From there you will be sent out to the track, so be sure not to wander too far from your vehicle while it is in the lanes.

Is a helmet required?

YES!  All racers in the state of NJ are required to wear a helmet.  Racers running slower than 14.00 seconds may use a DOT helmet.  Racers 13.99 and quicker must use a Snell rated helmet (minimum Snell-2015) These are available to purchase at the concession stand.

Can I have passengers?

No. Only the driver is permitted in the racecar. The exception to this is in the new NHRA Jr Street class.

How do I know how fast I went?

After completing your pass down the track, you will receive a printed timeslip.  It will contain the following information for both cars on that pair: Reaction Time, 60’ Time, 330’ Time, 1/8th Mile Time, 1/8th Mile MPH, 1000’ Time, 1/4th Mile Time, and 1/4th Mile MPH.

What if my car has problems on the track?

It is very important to be aware of your vehicles condition at all times on the racetrack.  If you are experiencing any sort of problem it is best to pull over to the guardrail as soon as safely possible.  We can tow you off the track. If you happen to be leaking fluid, it is much easier to clean up a puddle on the side of the track than a strip all the way down the center.  So please, do yourself and fellow racers a favor by pulling over if you believe you may be leaking any fluids.

Are pets permitted?

Yes, pets are permitted as long as they are not left unattended and are always on a fixed length leash. No retractable leashes.

What is the minimum age to race?

In New Jersey, you may race at age 17 providing there is a minor release form on file, signed by both parents in front of a track official or notarized and kept on file. The exception to this would be in the Jr Drag Racing League (ages 5-17) or the NHRA Jr Street (ages 13-16).

Do I need a valid driver’s license?

An unrestricted driver’s license is required.

Are lights required?

Beginning at dusk, cars are required to have minimum of one tail light on so that we may see when you safely exit the track.

What safety gear do I need?

At a minimum, drivers must have a t-shirt, long pants, sneakers, and a helmet.

What if it rains?

We cannot race while it is raining.  We do however, have the capability to dry the track if it rains in the middle of an event.  If the weather is questionable, please call us at 908-637-6060.  If no one is available to answer, the message will always be updated within 2 hours of our gate opening time in the event of a rainout. In addition, you may check our facebook or sign up for our text alert system for the latest information.  If rain happens while racing is in progress, be sure to pay attention to the P.A. system for instruction on rainchecks.

When is a fire jacket required?

A fire jacket is required for ALL racers running an aftermarket power adder (turbocharger, supercharger, or nitrous oxide system.)  In addition, a fire jacket is required for all racers running quicker than 11.50. We have these available for sale in the concession stand.

What is your refund/rain check policy?

We do not offer any refunds, whatsoever. See 2022 Updated Rain check Policy HERE

Can I race my motorcycle?

Yes! Motorcycles are able to race on most days we are open! You will need – A valid drivers license – Snell 2015 or newer full faced helmet with a shield – Leather riding jacket – leather gloves with kevlar lining or slide buttons – leather boots/ shoes above the ankle – kill switch tether or factory tip-switch is required if you run faster than 10.99 – jeans are ok up to 120 mph, full leathers with 360º zip required over 120 mph.

Can I bring my Drone?

UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE/DRONE POLICY-To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all our guests, Island Dragway strictly prohibits the operation of or use of any unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as “Drones,” on, from, or above the Island Dragway properties. This includes all UAVs regardless of size, weight, or purpose. Raceway personnel may remove anyone using a UAV on Raceway property and/or confiscate the UAV; unless specific written permission from Island Dragway has been obtained. At minimum, FAA UAV Commercial Pilot's license and Commercial Liability Insurance will be required prior to obtaining permission to fly.

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